场外:W&J alumnae make their mark in professional sports communications

Created: August 27, 2019  |  Last Updated: September 1, 2020  |  Category: ,   |标签: , ,

乔丹·戈特利布,14岁 印度3月18日 are shooting to win as communicators in the NBA 和 NFL—和 having fun doing it.

As both women learned, a career path in professional sports, even off the field, is not an easy one. 作为W的成员&中国的女子足球队和篮球队, 分别, Gottlieb 和 March developed a love of competition 和 a drive to win that helped them push forward through the difficult moments.

March’s decision to pass on her first post-collegiate job offer without a back-up plan raised some eyebrows from her family members, but she knew she wanted to hold out for a position that more closely matched her interests.

“My family thought I was crazy for passing up a good-paying job right out of college, but I knew I didn’t go to school for warehouse management, 那不是我的激情所在,”她说。.

戈特利布早年也遇到过类似的挫折. 大学毕业后, she spent a year 和 a half with a water treatment company in Canonsburg while searching for an opening in professional sports.


March was rewarded for following her instincts when she received a call on the day of Commencement from the Portl和 Trail Blazers, encouraging her to apply for their Rose Quarter Internship that provides marketing support for concerts 和 events. 宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿., native moved across the country to take the job 和 quickly found a home within the organization.

After gaining work experience at the water treatment company, Gottlieb found her window into the world of sports through a digital media internship with the Pittsburgh Steelers. That opportunity segued into a social media graphic designer position for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

While they had their foot in the door, the grads were looking for more. 马奇寻求一份稳定的全职工作, while Gottlieb missed comprehensive social media work in football.

When Gottlieb spotted an open position with the Tennessee Titans as a social media assistant, she rekindled the passion she felt for her role with the Steelers.

“I reached out to my former bosses at the Steelers 和 told them I was applying for the position with the Titans,乔丹说。. “They were happy to write recommendations since I showed such incredible drive 和 passion during my internship. 我就知道这个职位是为我准备的.”

March experienced a similar opportunity with the Trail Blazers. 经过长时间的面试, March was a final c和idate for two positions 和 ultimately earned a role as full-time br和 strategy production coordinator.

实习期间在W&J, opportunities to pursue their interests through programs like 麦哲伦计划, 和朋友之间的关系, 的姐妹, 和 professors created the framework March 和 Gottlieb needed to succeed.

“我做出了一生中最好的决定,来到了W&3月说. “这所学院提供了很多机会. 我参加过的俱乐部, 我的实习, 和 so many great faculty 和 staff members…pushed me to be my best.”

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