
Using deconstructed and
reconstructed fabric and paint,
 Kenny Nguyen探讨了这个概念
displacement. Born and raised in
United States, Nguyen sees the
 alteration of painted silk to a 
 skin. These cut, torn, beaten, sanded,
 and layered forms represent the 
artist’s cultural transformation.

Kenny Nguyen lives and works in 
Charlotte, NC. Nguyen received a 
BFA in fashion design from the 
National University of Art and 
Architecture Ho Chi Minh City, 
 from the University of North 
Carolina, Charlotte, NC.

“Infinite Threads”

创建:2021年4月1日|最后更新:2021年4月1日|类别: ,   |  Tagged:

混合媒体艺术家Quoctrung Kenny Nguyen, a native of South Vietnam, 将他的艺术视为捕捉自己生活中许多转变和转变的手段. 这些变化使他从胡志明市的时装设计师培训到北卡罗来纳大学的绘画BFA学位.

These days, he has combined his interests, 使用传统的丝绸材料, 用颜料和其他媒介创造出色彩斑斓的壁挂展览, titled “Infinite Threads,他的作品会随着面料的每一次别针和移动而改变形状.

“我就是喜欢这种围绕身体的面料, 所以每当我雕刻一个新的作品, 我真的认为在表面下有一具尸体, 并打算使用推杆, 我可以不断地改变它,” Nguyen, who was invited to W&在谈到自己的作品时,他说. “这只是身份转变的想法——澳门葡京博彩软件的身份每天都在变化. It keeps changing all the time.”

The silk, he says, 代表了他祖国的文化历史, 然后被一层又一层的颜料和画布所改变, as well as the push-pins.
